Monday 17 May 2010

Stonesense & MAGMA

On a bit of a sidenote, here's what my fortress' entrance looks like on Stonesense

The monkey in the moat is causing issues, he keeps interrupting people (must be screeching at them or something) I've set some bolts to be constructed by the metalsmith. I've got a few steel crossbows that I'll equip on Cog's militia that should deal with him nicely.

Meng Umstizlokum has become another wrestling champion, she will lead my second squad.

The annoying monkey will interrupt no-more. It goes down to a hail of wildly inaccurate crossbow fire.

I receive a VERY exciting message:

It's discovered 3 floors below my great hall down one of my exploratory corridors. It looks like its a few floors up.

Just as I'm carving out channels for this magma, My fisherdwarf gets possessed, maybe this will mean he will actually be useful. Whatever he's making needed two pieces of wood, a basalt block and a sardonyx, I hope its not a gem studded willow cup.

Cog Ardeszefon sees some action

Cog Ardeszefon is now a champion elite wrestler, she will be my leading swordsdwarf when battle comes.

Time to put her to the test, here come a shitload of monkeys.

None of the squad led by Cog actually have any weapons (I haven't got round to making any) lets see if that wrestling has paid off. Cog enters a trance and gives chase. The monkeys sense the only thing they will get out of this assault is a leglock so they run.

The monkeys divide up, sending 1/3 of the forces to destract Cogs lackys, probably a wise move considering how much of a wrestling legend Cog is.

She easily dispatches 3 monkeys before the rest give up and run, her underlings killed another 3.

Monkey blood stains the ground, however two surviving monkeys see an opportunity, they circle round and head for the courtyard. One of the monkeys is killed by Cog as she returns back to the barracks, another accosts a hauler who is bringing back wood on the bridge, hilariously he shoves the monkey into the moat where he's stuck, unconscious.

I guess he'll make a good guard.

Second wave of migrants

Nothing much is happening in Devilhalls, A lot of golden crafts are being produced, people are being reassigned to make fortress life more efficient. There was a tense moment where the fortress' Drink supplies went down to 4 barrels of dwarven wine, but some quick reassigning kept everyone from getting too sober.

A new project to wall off the upper part of the entrance has begun construction.

Eventually that high ground to the north east of the entrance will have a tower constructed on it with some fortifications for marksdwarves to use.

More migrants:

  • Furnace operator - I'll dedicate this guy to wood burning.
  • Woodcutter - woodcutting has been sluggish, he will be useful, more space for wood piles will be needed.
  • Clothier - Maybe some cloths production could get going.
  • Engineer - My towers and battlements will need catapults, he will be useful.
  • Peasant - Military.
  • Pump operator - I don't have any pumps. Military probably.
  • Another Peasant - Military again.
  • Metalcrafter - The more the merrier.
Thats it for now. Winter is upon Devilhalls.