Tuesday 18 May 2010

Metalworking and Micromanagement

All metalworking-related storage has been moved down a z-level and to the south, with the magma forges and smelters a Z-level below that.

All these useless peasants and animal workers hanging around have been conscripted into stone detailing duty. As for everyone else, my economy is mostly ticking over, everyone is keeping themselves busy by either metalworking, creating practice bolts for the marksdwarves, creating new rooms for the migrants or stone detailing (and of course the tireless farmers). It's late spring, and my economy looks something like this:

1/4 of my entire Fortress' wealth is contained within that single earring. The human caravan just showed up, I'm going to need weapons... lots of weapons.

Remember the fallen

Magma is flowing directly to fuel my workshops, things are looking good.

After finally remembering to allow dwarves outside, I figured out why my injured soldier wasn't being given water. He should pull through, but one of the brave marksdwarves took a bad hit and needs to rest too. If the goblins come back before the end of the year, there will be some serious problems.

Some much welcomed migrants:
  • Hunter - Useful.
  • Peasant - Military.
  • Glassmaker - I have some sand, and some magma, might be time to make some glass.
  • Another Peasant - Military.
  • Weaver - Already got one of those, still haven't set up any clothing production.
  • Siege Engineer - Bout time I built something to keep invading goblins away.
  • Soap maker - Ha, yeah right. Military.
  • Axedwarf - YES! finally someone who knows what they are doing.
  • Gem setter - All my gems are rough, glad to have someone to smooth them.
  • Peasant - Maybe he will work in my metalworking industry.
  • Ranger - Another slacker who claims he 'works with animals'
  • Miner - I have two competent miners and two trainee miners, this one will probably struggle to find much work.
  • Another soap worker - Really?
  • Weaponsmith - Ah, nevermind about that last peasant.
  • Peasant - Don't have anything for him to do yet.
  • Dyer - Another part of my non-existent clothing industry.
  • Peasant - ...
  • Animal Caretaker - More uselessness.
  • Milker - Don't have any cows.
  • Another Peasant - I don't need anymore peasants!
  • Trapper - or useless animal dudes.
  • A Mule
This is the biggest wave of migrants I've EVER had on Dwarf Fortress, I wonder if these goblin attacks have anything to do with it. Lor the woodcutter has announced he is now the mayor, better carve out some decent quarters for him.

I'm sure they were thrilled when they saw dwarves corpses scattered amongst the remains of two goblin ambush parties.

On a more sombre note, I've set an area for burial chambers. So far every dwarf that has died has been a true hero, one legendary miner, four heroic wrestlers and that fisherdwarf, though the only useful thing he did was make an expensive earring.

Return of the Goblins

After all that action, time to get back on track. The elves are still here, so I'll see if they have anything useful.

Wood and cloth, so, no.

For fucks sake. More fucking goblins.

They catch the fisherdwarf (the same that created the priceless earring) and slow him with a well placed bolt and proceed to dog pile him. I have sent out the order: PULL THE LEVER.

Unfortunately the fucking stupid Clerk decided now was a good time to go for a stroll and was hurled into the air by the retracting bridge, along with his pet cat. The clerk is now unconscious on the wrong side of the moat, with his pet cat stuck IN the moat.

If this Clerk actually survives, I might be impressed enough to promote him to leader, or I would if it wasn't his own fault.

Since the goblins can't get into my fortress, they direct their rage onto a bull that had the misfortune to be grazing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

One of my wrestlers who sustained a pretty severe injury in the previous attack is thirsty but I can't leave the fortress to collect water without having to face the goblins. Problem. At least the Clerk is still alive and on the run, I think he might actually survive.

The goblins leave after two marksdwarves fend them off from the other side of the moat, I'm sure they will be back. Amazingly the Clerk survives, he was running away from a goblin wrestler for the entire duration.

The magma forges and smelters are almost up, I just need to create some anvils then let the magma flow!

Devilhalls stands against the evil invaders!

Shit kicks off outside. Goblin ambush!

I order my military to meet them head on, and all my dwarves to stay indoors. I seriously hope I'm not spreading myself too thin with the fire imps and magma forges and now this.

Shit, Cog goes down to a hail of crossbow bolts, Zulban her right-hand man goes into a trance, and with the help of Meng (Cog's sparring partner, also a Champion) they take down all the melee goblins, unfortunately they are both destroyed by bolts.

Zasit, the last of Cog's elite wrestling squad goes down to more crossbow fire, but not without spilling a lot of goblin blood.

One crossbow goblin is left with a minor injury on his leg, he hobbles off, presumably to warn everyone about how much of a bad-ass fortress Devilhalls is.

When I check the unit screen, theres still one Goblin wrestler left, he fell into my moat amongst the carnage, i'll send my leftover crossbowmen to deal with him.

Losing 4 of my highly trained dwarves is quite a blow to my defence, I badly need some more migrants to restore its power.

The goblins used the high ground to the north-east of my base to attack from, If I remove all the ramps there, I'll have the high ground advantage next time.

Magma problems

Er... shit.

A fucking fireimp jumps out of the magma and burns my best miner and knocks him into the newly-dug channel where he proceeds to die a bloody death. An innocent kitten bystander was also caught in the flames. My trainee miner legs it as the Imp hops back into the magma.

The other Legendary miner calls a party in the great hall, what a callous bastard.

In other news, the fisherman has created a wooden earring. Great. It has a value of 52800 though, so... yeah.

The elves arrive, my trader takes a break. I don't blame him. I am almost ready to allow magma to flow beneath my forges, This may end badly.