Tuesday 18 May 2010

Return of the Goblins

After all that action, time to get back on track. The elves are still here, so I'll see if they have anything useful.

Wood and cloth, so, no.

For fucks sake. More fucking goblins.

They catch the fisherdwarf (the same that created the priceless earring) and slow him with a well placed bolt and proceed to dog pile him. I have sent out the order: PULL THE LEVER.

Unfortunately the fucking stupid Clerk decided now was a good time to go for a stroll and was hurled into the air by the retracting bridge, along with his pet cat. The clerk is now unconscious on the wrong side of the moat, with his pet cat stuck IN the moat.

If this Clerk actually survives, I might be impressed enough to promote him to leader, or I would if it wasn't his own fault.

Since the goblins can't get into my fortress, they direct their rage onto a bull that had the misfortune to be grazing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

One of my wrestlers who sustained a pretty severe injury in the previous attack is thirsty but I can't leave the fortress to collect water without having to face the goblins. Problem. At least the Clerk is still alive and on the run, I think he might actually survive.

The goblins leave after two marksdwarves fend them off from the other side of the moat, I'm sure they will be back. Amazingly the Clerk survives, he was running away from a goblin wrestler for the entire duration.

The magma forges and smelters are almost up, I just need to create some anvils then let the magma flow!

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