Saturday 15 May 2010

Let sleeping dwarves lie

After much deliberation and grand-master style analysis of future moves, I've decided to place my main staircase opposite my farm as shown:

That pond is going to have to be dealt with soon, I think I'll carve out some channels and make it an OCD-friendly square shape to remind myself to use it in future.

My mason was looking bored so I had him construct a temporary workshop in the soon-to-be great hall and got him cracking on doors, tables and chairs.

Once the miners finish the outdoor water feature upstairs they get to work on some bedrooms, the dwarves of this mighty fortress will unfortunately have to put up with some SERIOUSLY meager quarters for a few seasons.

For reasons beyond my comprehension, one of my miners decides to take a nap on a freshly-built staircase, I guess he loves the feel of basalt on his skin so much he'd rather sleep on stairs made of it than in one the two beds nearby. Who am I to question the habits of my hardworking dwarves?

Once thats been complete, I reassign jobs to everyone else, the farmers a-farmin', woodcutter a-cuttin' and the carpenter a-carpenterin', and the mason... building a trade depot, I won't need it for several months, but since I was planning for it anyway, I thought I may as well build it.

You can see below the new swimming pool and trade depot setup, I'll probably expand that staircase another square down and use it as the primary way of moving stored items from the warehouse floor below.

The grand plan is to have the top floor dedicated to food production and military business, the floor below workshops and general storage, and the bottom floor (and first stone layer) into living quarters and great hall. As my fortress expands, I shall adapt, for now though, this seems foolproof.

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