Sunday 16 May 2010

Rifotidek Isholminbaz - Blockedbrain the Frigid Enchantment - a Willow Cup

As I was micromanaging and ensuring all the new migrants were busy, the Trapper migrant had a fey mood, I hope he doesn't kill anyone important.

Luckily all he wanted was 2 wood and a basalt rock, I think we can accommodate that.

Summer in year 2 of Devilhalls begins.

I set all the Peasants with nothing better to do stone detailing, one of them will probably become a full time engraver, we shall see, the great hall is looking nice though.

After a lot of fucking around, my metalsmith finally builds another copper pick for one of my peasants to become a miner, the next on the to-do lists is:

  • Deck out my army, two of them with crossbows one with a sword - I guess I'll need a bowyer, fuck knows where I'll find a decent sword and shield from, but once he gets it, that dude will be a champ.
  • Find iron ore and flux! - there must be some SOMEWHERE, I asked the traders to bring me some if this fails.
  • Build a shitload of expensive crafts from that gold and aluminium I have lying around.
  • Expand living quarters.
The trapper finishes his epic willow cup, I assigned him to wood and stone crafts since I realized the fortress was lacking anyone dedicated to crafting.

Back to the micromanagement.

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