Sunday 16 May 2010

The monkeys strike!

So I got bored of waiting for migrants and started work on my barracks, this involved some risky tunneling...

Nothing too exciting happened except flooding my courtyard for a little while, once its all evaporated I'll move in and carve out an area for my future army to sleep.

Finally, some action! a bunch of monkeys show up, fortunately the trade caravan hasn't left the map yet and a slow speardwarf fends them off, eventually he remembers I'm not paying him to keep my fortress safe and he scarpers, leaving the monkeys free to wander all over my courtyard, I decide this would be a good time to destroy the ramps in my courtyard to separate them.

The bastards escaped with some steel bolts, I didn't think I had any, maybe they stole them from the caravan. I haven't decided what I'll do with this caught monkey yet, maybe I'll turn him into a guard-monkey. It also seems one of the monkeys managed to injure its foot and is now incapacitated, I'll see if I can catch him too.

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